Candidate Privacy and Transparency : Flaws with LinkedIn’s “Open to New Opportunities” feature & the limitations of resumes

Photo courtesy of Rob Pongsajapan I have been thinking a bit about candidate privacy, transparency and control recently in the job hunting process and wanted to air my thoughts in two areas – Linkedin’s new “Open to Opportunities” feature

Recruiter Pet Peeves: No-nos on Personal Profile Pics, emails and voicemails

Photo by Philip Dehm – Polished, professional, poised…..that’s generally the impression most candidates want to give to their prospective employers. We all know how to do that in person….dress well and appropriately for the interview, offer positive body language,

7 tips to make yourself findable to recruiters on linkedin.

When you look for a job there are two ways you can do it in a) get proactive or b) reactive and sit back and wait for people to come to you. But just like a fisherman uses lures to

Remote sellers and LinkedIn’s Location Limitations

One lasting effect of this pandemic is location fluidity. Covid has accelerated the move to the suburbs for young families. A large number of city dwellers with the means to own or rent a place outside a major city have

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