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7 Tips to nail your next Mock Sales Pitch Interview

Many sales organizations have some form of Mock sales presentation as part of their interview process and it trips up lots of candidates. Here are 7 pointers on how to nail this step 1. Presentation style. Remember that these mock pitches are mainly about

Interview tip

Interview tip#totalstatementoftheobviousbutworthrepeatingNever, ever complain about your last company or boss. Even terrible experiences have a silver lining – focus on those aspects instead. You widened your experiences selling in a new industry space….got exposed to a new vertical…learned that you

Consistency across all roles in interviews and on resumes when discussing deal, quota and performance history

SaaS sellers – When discussing deal, quota and performance history – Be consistent across all roles in interviews and on your resume. Do not mix and match terms across different positions. Quotas – Choose Annual, quarterly or monthly and stick

McGregor parallels- confidence breeding confidence in Sales interviews.

I watched the McGregor-Mayweather fight on Saturday. I am not an MMA fan but it was fun to watch such a hyped event with a group. Even though the national anthems played and McGregor was draped in the Irish Tricolor,

Interview tips – 8 pointers to nail that mock sales pitch

Nothing quite unnerves even the most experienced of reps than the part of the interview process where you are asked to do a mock sales presentation. Fear not however –  There are a few tried and tested tips that can prepare you

Candidate Reputation Management: Plan for back-hand reference checks!

Reference checks are still a crucial part of the job search process but official reference checks are by definition flawed in the favor of the candidate given who they are sourced from (!). Hiring companies also generally have to largely

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