Like most recruiters we have experimented with a lot of methods of finding candidates both reactively and proactively. One thing we have concluded is that inbound resumes from our own website, aggregator site “organic” listings or from paid ad placement
Moving jobs is often the opportunity to improve your salary and your on-target earnings. For some who have been at their current firm too long without a raise it is often an opportunity to get marked to market rates. The
Sometimes recruiters get a bad rap. Sometimes it is well deserved but often it is based on a simple misunderstanding of who we are working for. Yes we try and connect clients and candidates together but we explicitly work for
(or why I built!)In their day jobs sales people have no issue proatively hunting for clients. Most have a fairly robust process around doing so – they research target industries and companies that are a good match for their employers’
I have run Glenborn now for 5 years and we have always concentrated on placing candidates in the sales function. Recruiting for sales folks is not an exact science but there is a distinct pattern in how people get successfully