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“Oh, what a tangled web we weave!” – Lies and Spin from candidates in sales recruiting.

I always liked this saying (and I paraphrase): “Never lie because then you never have to remember what you said to anyone”. Remembering what lies you told to who can be tricky and is likely to trip you up eventually so,

Sellers: Are you a Meryl Streep or a Jennifer Aniston? Typecasting in sales and how to avoid it

Meryl Streep was up for her 20th Oscar nomination last night.  She has shown unbelievable range across her career. Jennifer Aniston presented an award last night but hasn’t yet been nominated. Part of the reason for this is typecasting. Jennifer tends to

6 risks to not embracing fully or partially remote sales professionals

Last week I had dinner with one of my clients and 3 of his reps that we had placed in his firm over the past 6 months. We started talking about differentiators of his firm as an employer in the eyes

How to work effectively with contingency agencies & protect your employer brand

image courtesy of mufidah kassalias on flickr – As a recruiter in the contingency space, Glenborn takes on roles from clients and only gets paid when we successfully place candidates. This is generally a good deal for the client

Getting promoted into Sales management: Paths and pitfalls

Photo courtesy of Anthony on Flickr – Here’s some really basic advice – If you are looking to get promoted into a sales management role, you should focus on getting promoted where you are currently working rather than trying to achieve

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