Salary Negotiations – base/OTE ratios & the perils of being overpaid

Moving jobs is often the opportunity to improve your salary and your on-target earnings. For some who have been at their current firm too long without a raise it is often an opportunity to get marked to market rates. The

Understanding Recruiter behavior 101 for candidates

Sometimes recruiters get a bad rap. Sometimes it is well deserved but often it is based on a simple misunderstanding of who we are working for. Yes we try and connect clients and candidates together but we explicitly work for

Oh the irony! Why Salespeople don’t proactively hunt for their jobs

(or why I built!)In their day jobs sales people have no issue proatively hunting for clients. Most have a fairly robust process around doing so – they research target industries and companies that are a good match for their employers’

The logic behind recruiting in sales

I have run Glenborn now for 5 years and we have always concentrated on placing candidates in the sales function. Recruiting for sales folks is not an exact science but there is a distinct pattern in how people get successfully

SaaS Sellers as free agents? Is it happening now? Will it soon?

I was catching up on my older sales podcasts recently and came across this August Podcast with Andy Paul and Brendan McAdams about how we might have already started seeing a movement towards sellers acting as independent consultants. The general gist was

Get prepared for tough questions from sales candidates

It’s a sales candidates’ market right now. Candidates have choice and you have serious competition for their attention. Just when you think you have a commitment from a candidate they are swept off their feet by another suitor and your

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